E-Form Resubmission and Expiry Date Reminder

Do you need your E-Form to be resubmitted by contractors every year, 2 years, 3 years?

We now have a resubmission term available for E-Forms, as well as reminder emails to your contractors when their E-Form is nearing expiry.

Like documents, once the E-Form has expired, the system can automatically suspend the contractor, which means they can’t issue further Induction Keys until they resubmit their E-Form and are compliant again.

  • A grace period can also be set if you want to give them a little more time before becoming Suspended.
  • When verifying an E-Form, you can manually set an expiry date now, or you can use this new feature so that the system will automatically set the correct date as per your resubmission term. The expiry date will be set from the submitted date.

Have you already set expiry dates for your contractor’s E-Form?

They have already started receiving reminder emails however we won’t suspend the contractor unless you request us to apply this to your system.

Your contractors will re-submit their E-Form within their Contractor Portal.

Want to use all or part of the functionality described above?

Contact support and let us know:

  • Your chosen resubmission term for each of your personnel types
  • Whether you want contractors to be suspended upon expiry